Risk management

Billerud recognizes that in all its operations and activities there are uncertainties that could have positive and/or negative efffects on the company's objectives, brand and performance. 

Through an efficient risk management process, Billerud strives to maximise the potential opportunities to achieve the company's strategy and objectives, and to minimize the associated risks.

On an overall level, risk management is governed by the Board of Directors. It then follows the normal delegation scheme, from the Board of Directors to the CEO and from the CEO to the organisation. In practise this means that most operational risk is managed by Wood Supply, Operations, Commercial and Group functions on a local level, but are coordinated when deemed beneficial to to do so.

Billerud seeks to minimize risk through preventive measures. Wherever this is not possible, risk is hedged or insured against.

Sensitivity analysis

Impact on profit/loss before tax

Variable Change SEKm
Sales volume +/– 10% +/– 1,470
Exchange rates, SEK1 +/– 10% –/+ 655
– of which relates to EUR +/– 10% –/+ 300
– of which relates to USD +/– 10% –/+ 290
– of which relates to GBP +/– 10% –/+ 65
Fiber price +/– 10% –/+ 1,310
Electricity price2 +/– 10% –/+ 150
Natural gas3 +/– 10% –/+ 40
Loan interest rate4 +/– 1 percentage point –/+ 56
  1. Excluding effects of currency hedges.
  2. Excluding effects of electricity price hedges.
  3. Excluding effects of natural gas price hedges.
  4. Refers to the loan and interest conditions on 31 December 2023. Interest rate changes and loan amounts in 2024 have not been taken into account.

Cost structure for Billerud
as of 31 December 2023

Breakdown of operating costs, % 
Fibre (wood and external pulp) 32
Chemicals 14
Delivery expenses 11
Energy 5
Other variable costs 3
Employee benefit costs 16
Depreciation/amortisation 7
Other fixed costs 12
Total 100